Alert! Using your phone while lying on your side may affect your appearance and pose a threat to your health

Using your phone while lying on your side may impact your appearance and pose health risks

【PhoneAuto News】Recently, PhoneAuto noticed that according to the information from “Science Daily”, prolonged side-lying on cell phones can cause various health problems! These potential health problems include possible strabismus, lumbar and cervical spine injuries, inhibition of the protein enzyme that suppresses melanin secretion, leading to dark circles, freckles, etc., disruption of hormone secretion rhythm leading to hormonal imbalance and increased acne, inhibition of melatonin production in the body, keeping people in a shallow sleep and greatly reducing deep sleep time, and so on.

Previously, Professor Pankaj Kapahi from the Buck Institute for Research on Aging in the United States stated, “Staring at computer and cell phone screens from morning till night, continuously exposed to light pollution, will have a great impact on the biological clock. It not only affects vision, but also harms the brain and other parts of the body.”

According to a survey conducted by relevant media, the majority of post-90s, post-95s, and post-00s cannot do without “playing with their phones” before going to bed. Over 80% of netizens in the survey said that they almost play with their phones every day before going to bed. The proportion of netizens who “often play” and “occasionally play” before going to bed is also close to 20%, while the number of respondents who do not play with their phones at all before going to bed is almost zero. At the same time, in the survey, the majority of respondents spend more than an hour playing with their phones before bed. Less than 5% of respondents can finish using their phones and go to bed honestly within 15 minutes. In addition, WeChat, QQ, Weibo, Xiaohongshu, iQiyi, Bilibili, Douyin, and Kuaishou are some of the apps that people often use before going to bed.

We will continue to update Phone&Auto; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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