Werewolf Killing in Weichang County! FIA confirms that a Formula 1 team has reported Toto, but they are brutally countered by other teams

Werewolf Slaying in Weichang County! FIA Confirms Formula 1 Team's Allegations Against Toto, But Faces Fierce Opposition from Other Teams

【PhoneAuto News】 Earlier, the International Automobile Federation (FIA) issued a statement stating that they received complaints from several F1 team principals alleging that freelance media employee Susie Wolff had used her position to pass on confidential information to her husband, Toto Wolff, the team principal of Mercedes. An investigation into these allegations has been launched. However, shortly after the statement was released, it was unanimously denied by all F1 teams.

Toto Wolff, team principal of Mercedes

In the early morning of December 7th, Beijing time, in addition to the Mercedes team involved, the other nine F1 teams simultaneously issued statements stating: “We can confirm that we have not lodged any accusations with the FIA regarding the passing of confidential information between team principals and FOM employees. We are delighted and proud to support the F1 Academy event and its general manager, and we commit to sponsoring a driver to compete in the event starting from next season.”

Joint statement from the nine major teams denying the accusations

Previously, an article in “Business F1 Magazine” stated that the Wolffs were suspected of illegally sharing confidential information from the F1 management (FOM). Several team principals expressed concern about this and believed that the Wolffs might exchange confidential information in private. Some anonymous team officials criticized this behavior, with one even directly calling it “illegal and immoral”.

Subsequently, the FIA released a statement: “We are aware of the allegations speculated in the media involving the passing of confidential information from FOM employees to F1 team principals. The FIA Compliance Department is investigating.”

In response to these allegations, the official statement from the Mercedes team pointed out that the accusations against Toto Wolff were “baseless” and emphasized that they had not communicated with the FIA about this matter. The team called on the FIA to handle this matter quickly and transparently to ensure a fair and transparent investigation process. The FOM also issued a statement firmly denying the claim of a conflict of interest involving the Wolffs. Susie Wolff, the person involved, strongly denied the allegations, stating on social media that she felt deeply insulted by these accusations and believed that they stemmed from gender discrimination and an emphasis on her marital status rather than her professional capabilities.

Official statement from the Mercedes team

There are reports suggesting that this off-track controversy seems to be related to the power struggle between the FIA and FOM in the top-level F1 championship. BBC Sport even revealed that if FIA president Ben Sulayem continues to act in ways that are harmful to the sport, the owners of the F1 championship, the free media, will consider breaking away from the FIA.

We will continue to update Phone&Auto; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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