Honour Zhao Ming Learning from Excellent Opponents, Will Purchase Huawei Mate60 for Experience

Will buy Huawei Mate60 to learn from excellent opponents

【Phoneauto News】On the afternoon of September 15th, Honor CEO Zhao Ming released a video on Weibo. In the video, Zhao Ming answered a series of questions during an interview and shared his thoughts on the recently popular Huawei Mate60 series smartphones.

Honor CEO Zhao Ming

When asked if he would experience the recently released Huawei Mate60 series and Apple’s iPhone 15 series, Zhao Ming gave a positive answer, “We will experience excellent products from our competitors. We also have corresponding teams and good products such as the Huawei Mate60 series, Mate X5 series, and iPhone 15 series. We will buy these good products for experience. We will learn from all excellent competitors and see their strengths.”

Screenshot from the video

At the same time, when asked, “In September, Apple and Huawei will release new phones, and other manufacturers are avoiding this time. Are you worried about becoming cannon fodder in September?” Zhao Ming confidently responded, “We have innovative products, new interaction methods, and extremely thin and foldable screens that are ahead of everyone else. Why should we avoid it?” He also said, “The key to winning consumers and market competition is still relying on our own growth. Relying on the value of our products.” From these words, it is not difficult to see that Zhao Ming is very confident in the upcoming release of the Honor V Purse foldable screen smartphone.

According to previous statements from Honor, the Honor V Purse foldable screen smartphone will be officially released on September 19th at 19:30. The new device adopts an outward folding screen form and has a thickness of less than 9mm, making it thinner and lighter than a flat screen phone.

We will continue to update Phone&Auto; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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