Xiaomi 14 Ultra is expected to be released in March next year Dual versions have appeared in the IMEI database

Xiaomi 14 Ultra expected release March next year Dual versions in IMEI database

【Phoneauto News】According to foreign media reports, Xiaomi is expected to launch two models from the Xiaomi 14 series later this year, while the third model, Xiaomi 14 Ultra, is likely to be released in March 2024. Currently, Xiaomi 14 Ultra has entered the IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity) database.

Xiaomi 13 Ultra

According to foreign media reports, the two models of the upcoming Xiaomi 14 Ultra have been listed in the IMEI database. The model number for the Chinese market is 24030PN60C, while in the global market, the device’s model number is 24030PN60G.

The digits “2403” in the model number indicate that the brand may release Xiaomi 14 Ultra in March 2024. Compared to the previous model, Xiaomi 13 Ultra, Xiaomi 14 Ultra is likely to be released earlier (Xiaomi 13 Ultra made its debut in April 2023).

Alleged exposure of Xiaomi 14 Ultra

Based on previous practices and existing information, the Xiaomi 14 series consists of three models: Xiaomi 14, Xiaomi 14 Pro, and Xiaomi 14 Ultra. The regular version of Xiaomi 14 and Xiaomi 14 Pro have appeared in the IMEI database. The model number for Xiaomi 14 is 23127PN0CC (China) and 23127PN0CG (global), while the model number for Xiaomi 14 Pro is 23116PN5BC (China) and 23116PN5BG (global). These two models are expected to be launched in November or December this year.

As for the configuration of Xiaomi 14 Ultra, foreign media reports suggest that it may be equipped with the Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Gen3 mobile platform, and according to MIUI code, its codename is Aurora. In terms of performance, design, and imaging, the new device is expected to provide excellent specifications.

We will continue to update Phone&Auto; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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