Xiaomi 14 Ultra is expected to be equipped with ultrasonic fingerprint technology, but there is still a gap compared to Vivo.

Xiaomi 14 Ultra to Feature Ultrasonic Fingerprint Technology, but Still Lags Behind Vivo

【Mobile China News】Recently released flagship smartphones have all performed quite well, but there is one aspect that many consumers have complained about, and that is fingerprint recognition. Whether it’s the Xiaomi 14, vivo X100, or iQOO 12, they all inevitably use short-range fingerprint recognition, which has its limitations in terms of user experience. However, a blogger has leaked information that in next year’s large-sized models, ultrasonic fingerprint recognition may gradually become popular.

Xiaomi 14 Ultra rendering Xiaomi 14 Ultra rendering

On December 4th, a digital blogger wrote: “The 8G3 imaging large-sized prototype has started testing the ‘single-point ultrasonic’ solution, but it is currently uncertain if it will be implemented. Active verification is underway. However, it is highly probable that ultrasonic solutions will be introduced next year, with both suppliers having preparations~” Many netizens speculate that the mentioned “Snapdragon 8 Gen3 imaging large-sized prototype” is likely to be the Xiaomi 14 “Ultra” that will be released next year. If that’s the case, it will be Xiaomi’s re-entry into using ultrasonic fingerprint technology after many years. However, there is still a certain gap between single-point ultrasonic and the wide-field ultrasonic used by vivo.

Digital blogger Weibo Digital blogger Weibo

As early as 2016, Xiaomi pioneered the holeless ultrasonic fingerprint recognition on the Xiaomi 5s, making it a major selling point for the new device. However, due to the immaturity of ultrasonic fingerprint technology at the time, the new device encountered many issues in usage and received complaints from users. Since then, Xiaomi has not used this technology again. Now, with the maturity of ultrasonic fingerprint technology, it excels over optical fingerprint in terms of convenience and user experience.

In addition to the possible Xiaomi flagship model, vivo’s large-sized model X100 Pro+ next year is also likely to continue using wide-field ultrasonic fingerprint recognition. We hope that more and more manufacturers will adopt this not-so-new “new technology” on their future flagship devices.

We will continue to update Phone&Auto; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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