Xiaomi MIUI 15/16 will support 64-bit applications, taking the user experience to the next level

Xiaomi MIUI 15/16 to support 64-bit apps, enhancing user experience

【phoneauto News】On July 11th, according to foreign media reports, the industry is developing towards a 64-bit application ecosystem. The upcoming MIUI 15 and MIUI 16 systems from Xiaomi will also implement this powerful application architecture on Xiaomi smartphones. Additionally, MIUI 15 will no longer support 32-bit applications.

Google, Huawei, and other companies are all pursuing a 64-bit application architecture in their ecosystems because 32-bit applications will eventually be phased out by Arm. Since Xiaomi runs on the Android operating system and uses ARM-based chipsets, it is necessary for Xiaomi to follow the same rules. The company has already announced that all of its applications will transition to 64-bit.

It is understood that 64-bit applications provide better performance compared to 32-bit applications. Their advantages include fast resource loading, optimized user experience, and lower power consumption. The upcoming MIUI 15/16 from Xiaomi paves the way for the application of 64-bit programs on Xiaomi devices, bringing a new user experience to Xiaomi smartphones.

According to other leaks, the MIUI 15 system will undergo significant changes, starting with the icons. It is reported that the icons in the MIUI 15 system will adopt a large rounded rectangle shape, which matches better with Xiaomi’s current logo. In addition, MIUI 15 will also introduce Google’s promoted Material You design language, bringing a personalized user interface that even allows users to redraw icons, including adjusting colors, shapes, and even micro-details.

According to reports, MIUI 15 is currently being tested on the Redmi Note 13 series and may be launched on this model.

We will continue to update Phone&Auto; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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