Xiaopeng P7i launches a preferential car purchase policy with 0% interest for a limited time, saving up to 24,000 yuan

Xiaopeng P7i offers 0% interest car purchase deal for a limited time, saving up to 24,000 yuan

【phoneauto News】On September 1st, Xiaopeng Motors announced that from now until September 30th, Xiaopeng Motors will launch a limited-time car purchase discount policy for the new P7i series. Consumers can choose between a 24-month interest-free installment plan or a 10,000 yuan discount on the final payment when purchasing a car. Additionally, the original Denon Confidence series audio system, worth 6,000 yuan, will be upgraded for free. In total, the new P7i series offers discounts of up to 24,000 yuan.

According to phoneauto, the Xiaopeng P7i was launched in March this year. The entire series has been upgraded with over 100 comfortable and technological configurations, injecting new life into the classic model. Since its launch, the new P7i has received considerable attention and recognition from consumers due to its outstanding design, intelligent technology, and excellent handling performance.

It is worth mentioning that Xiaopeng Motors conducted the first true map-less XNGP engineering test drive experience in Beijing in August this year. This version of the city NGP has increased its perception distance by 150% longitudinally and 200% laterally, covering an area equivalent to 1.8 football fields. The perception range and capabilities have greatly improved, and the driving logic is closer to that of a “human expert driver”.

Currently, Xiaopeng Motors is actively developing XNGP map-less area capabilities and plans to open safe and reliable city NGP experiences in 50 cities before the end of the year. By then, whether it is changing lanes and overtaking on urban roads, automatically planning commuting routes, or even yielding to pedestrians at crosswalks, the Xiaopeng P7i will fully adapt to users’ travel scenarios, making travel safer and smarter.

We will continue to update Phone&Auto; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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