Huawei’s rotating chairman Xu Zhijun Do not have any illusions about the relaxation of containment by the United States

Xu Zhijun, Huawei's rotating chairman, warns against any illusions of the United States relaxing containment measures

【phoneauto News】On September 15th, phoneauto noticed that according to “YiCai”, at the recently held 2023 World Computing Conference, Xu Zhijun, Vice Chairman and Acting Chairman of Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd., gave a speech and revealed the latest progress of Huawei’s current computing strategy and his judgment on the development direction of China’s AI computing industry ecology.

Xu Zhijun said, “The US containment of China is long-term, and we cannot have any illusions.” “Although there is a gap in the chips, servers, and PCs we produce compared to foreign production. But if we don’t use them, this gap will always exist, and being behind will always be behind. However, if we use them on a large scale, it may drive and promote the progress of our entire technology and product, and then gradually catch up.” Xu Zhijun said that only through large-scale usage can the progress and development of the entire computing industry be driven, the progress of CPUs be driven, and the progress of servers based on CPUs be driven, thus driving the progress of the entire industry on this basis.

Xu Zhijun said that Huawei has been building the Ascend processor since 2017. Based on this ecosystem, as long as the chips can be produced, continuous development is possible. He believes that any large-scale model or AI needs continuous training. If development is based on a sustainable future-oriented ecosystem earlier, the investment efficiency will be higher and there will be more prospects.

According to information provided by the Enterprise Check App, Xu Zhijun graduated from Nanjing University of Science and Technology with a doctorate. He joined Huawei in 1993 and has served as President of the Wireless Product Line, President of Strategy and Marketing, President of Products and Solutions, Director of the Product Investment Review Committee, Acting CEO, and Director of the Strategy and Development Committee. He is currently a member of the Huawei Board of Directors, Vice Chairman, and Acting Chairman.

We will continue to update Phone&Auto; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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