Does Apple produce official phone cases? It’s hard for Cook not to be tempted after seeing this data

Yes, Apple produces official phone cases Cook is likely tempted after seeing this data

【Phoneauto News】Surrounding the entire smart ecosystem, Apple has produced and released a series of iPhone accessories, ranging from protective cases, chargers to AirPods and Apple Watch. However, in the face of expensive iPhones, there is one accessory that is almost indispensable, which is the screen protector. So, will Apple release an official screen protector for the iPhone? Perhaps Cook will be tempted after seeing the following data.

iPhone phone protector

According to Phoneauto, CIRP has released a new report focusing on which accessories iPhone users purchased last year. Interestingly, in the survey, 61% of iPhone users purchased screen protectors last year, and it happens to be the only option (protective cases, smart watches, wireless headphones, smart speakers, etc.) that is not produced by Apple. The only option with a higher purchase rate than screen protectors is protective cases.

The market competition for iPhone screen protectors is very fierce. According to foreign media reports, on the Amazon platform, high-quality glass protectors are as cheap as $8, while branded protectors like Nomad start at $30. Foreign media believes that without a doubt, Apple can seize market share by attracting customers who prefer to use official high-end accessories.

Foreign media analysis suggests that Apple can use advanced materials such as ceramics or sapphire crystal to make official protectors, and can also provide privacy-focused screen protectors in addition to ordinary ones. For example, earlier this year, BodyGuardz launched the Apex premium glass screen protector made of ceramic material, priced at $80, claiming to be “almost unbreakable,” and it has been sought after by some consumers. In view of this, what is Apple hesitating about?

Phoneauto also noticed that in the survey released by the media, over 37% of respondents said they would purchase the official protective film released by Apple (while nearly 40% indicated that they would not buy it).

We will continue to update Phone&Auto; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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