Yu Chengdong denies Qualcomm’s resumption of supplying 5G chips to Huawei This is fake news

Yu Chengdong denies Qualcomm resuming supply of 5G chips to Huawei as fake news

【PhoneAuto News】On June 13th, regarding the news that “Qualcomm has resumed supplying 5G chips to Huawei and Huawei may release Mate60 with 5G services in the second half of the year,” Yu Chengdong, the executive director of Huawei, CEO of the Terminal BG, and CEO of the Intelligent Automotive Solution BU, denied the rumor, calling it fake news.

Yu Chengdong

Although it is fake news, Huawei’s mobile phone business is indeed improving. According to industry insiders who revealed recently, Huawei has raised its target for mobile phone shipments to 40 million units by 2023, which is much higher than the target of 30 million units set at the beginning of the year. The main reason for Huawei’s increase in mobile phone shipments is that it sees hope in the P60 series and Mate X3, and Huawei’s supply chain has also recovered accordingly.

Related report

From this point of view, Huawei must also be more confident in the Mate60 series. The point that Yu Chengdong denied was 5G, not the release time. Judging from the intensive release rhythm of Huawei’s new machines in the past year, there is still hope for the Mate60 series to be released this year.

Recently, digital blogger @ exposed the speculative design of the Huawei Mate60 Pro. Unlike before, the design of the Mate60 Pro is not so unfamiliar, and it looks a bit like the Mate40 Pro. However, the blogger also emphasized that this is not the final design of the Mate60 Pro and can only be used as a reference.

Speculative design of Huawei Mate60 Pro

According to the exclusive report of The Wall Street Journal, the United States plans to extend the deadline for exempting China from semiconductor export control policies, allowing Korean and Taiwanese chip companies to maintain and expand their business in China, which is good news for the domestic chip manufacturing industry.

We will continue to update Phone&Auto; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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