Zero Run’s central integrated electronic electrical architecture will be released with participation from Qualcomm and NVIDIA

'Zero Run's integrated electronic electrical architecture will be released with Qualcomm and NVIDIA's participation'

【phoneauto News】On July 31st, phoneauto announced that the Zero Run Central Integrated Electronic and Electrical Architecture will be officially released at around 16:00 on July 31st. phoneauto will witness the release together with companies such as Qualcomm, NVIDIA, and NXP. Interested netizens can pay attention to the live broadcast on the official website of Zero Run.

Previously, around July 20th, CaiLian News reported that Zero Run will launch the “Central Integrated EE Architecture” at the end of July, and at the same time, it will achieve the domestic first mass production of the central supercomputer platform. The “Central Integrated EE Architecture” of Zero Run can highly systematize the power, body, intelligent driving, and cockpit, realize “cockpit integration”, and become the industry’s first “four-domain integration” central electronic and electrical architecture. In addition, the first global vehicle developed based on this new platform will debut at the Munich Motor Show in Germany in September this year.

According to the official information previously released, in June 2023, Zero Run delivered more than 13,000 vehicles to consumers in a single month. Among them, the delivery volume of the Zero Run C series exceeded 11,600 vehicles, accounting for more than 87% of the total delivery volume of all models, making it the undisputed main model of Zero Run. At the same time, the delivery volume of Zero Run C11 exceeded 8,900 vehicles, which is not only the main model of the Zero Run C series, but also the first place in the B-level SUV among the new forces in the automotive industry.

In addition, it is worth noting that there are reports that Zero Run is negotiating with overseas automakers on technology exports, and there has been good progress. If the project is successful, Zero Run may also become the first Chinese new energy vehicle company to export technology.

We will continue to update Phone&Auto; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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